Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013

Catrice Siberian Call Sky and Snow

Да Калядаў і Новага Году "Катрыс" (Catrice) выдала асобую тэматычную калекцыю з назвай "Siberian Call" ("Гуканне Сібіры"). Фірма cosnova, якая вырабляе прадукты "Катрыс" і "Эссэнс", знаходзіцца ў Нямеччыне. Гэтыя дзве маркі адносяцца да сэгмента таннай касметыкі, лакі "Эссэнс" каштуюць 1,55 эўра, а "Катрыс" - 2,45. Яны прапануюць вялікую колькасць колераў і шмат прылад для нэйларту. Мне ўдалося набыць толькі адзін лак за нумарам "C03 - Sky and Snow" ("неба і снег"). Ён белавата-празрысты з шымерам ружовага і блакітнага колеру.

About Christmas and New Year Catrice released a limited edition collection "Siberian Call". I bought only one thing from it - a nail lacquer "C03 - Sky and Snow". It's sheer whity with pink and blue shimmer.

Было цяжкавата злавіць сапраўдны колер. Тут некалькі спробаў: пры дзённым святле

It was hard to get the right colour on picture. Here are some trials of three coats: in daylight

пры электрычным святле

in artificial light

З-за празрыстасці нават праз тры слаі бачны пазногаць. Таму я падумала, што гэты лак будзе значна лепей выглядаць на каляровай базе. Тут я на адзін слой Салі Хансэн Інста-Драй Blazing Blue (дарэчы, куплены ў Мінску) паклала адзін слой Sky and Snow.

Since it is so sheer and the main feature is shimmer, I thought it would look more advantageous over some colour base. I painted one coat of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Blazing Blue and then one coat of Sky and Snow.

Спачатку я дадала яшчэ адзін слой Sky and Snow, а потым настэмпіла сняжынкі з шаблона Sugar Bubbles Store special plate 02. На жаль, пасылка з Бразіліі ішла 6 тыдняў і ўсе святы скончыліся, калі я ўрэшце атрымала шаблоны. Напэўна, я не буду больш нічога замаўляць там, таму што чаканне такі доўгі час проста невыноснае.

Before stamping I added one more coat of Sky and Snow. And this snow flakes are from Sugar Bubbles Store special plate 02. Unfortunately I got this plates soo late that all the festivities were already over, the delivery from Brazil took 6 weeks, so I guess I would never order there again. This waiting was killing me.

Яшчэ я думаю, што Sky and Snow будзе нядрэнна выглядаць паверх светлага лака. Але гэта наступным разам.

Another idea I had for Sky and Snow is to use it over light base. But I'll try it next time.

Montag, 28. Januar 2013

ebay haul

Хаця я і занятая пакуль што аднаўленнем маіх пазногцяў, нішто не можа мяне ўтрымаць ад пошукаў і куплі чарговага лака на ebay. Не без намагання мне ўдаецца стрымліваць імкненне прапанаваць тут і там цану на як раз такі танны лак. Сёння ў паштовай скрыні я знайшла разам дзве бутэлечкі. Е-ей! На фатаграфіі, на жаль, колер Калар Клабу выглядае надта зялёным, хоць. на самой справе, ён перламутравы з ружовым адлівам. Блакітны металік ад Эссі быў на маім лісце жаданняў, і ў жорсткай барацьбе я атрымала перамогу над канкурэнтамі.

Although I don't use any colour polish at the moment, because of the strengthening action, I just cannot help but buy things on ebay. It's like an addiction itself. If I see, oh, this lovely polish bottle costs now so little, I just place my bid. This two bottles came with today's post. Yay! Strangely I couldn't get the colour of Color Club well. It's not so greenish, but rather perly with light pink shimmer. But at some angle it seems to turn green. Essie Blue Rhapsody was on my wishlist, especially because I don't have many metallics.

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Snow Kissed

Today I couldn't help but buy some stuff from the current collection by p2 (the own brand at the dm-drugstores). The prices for p2 products are like the ones of essence. The specials cost a little bit more. So this lovely pearly subtle mint green polish you can get for 2,25€. I also got an lip balm for winter and a compact powder.

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Hello World!

After I am mostly done with the setting of the blog (it took a hell of a time!), I can finally say "HELLO WORLD!" and start typing. :)

Just now I don't do any nailart nor am I painting my nails. I am trying to get my nails healthier and stronger so that they would be able to stand my excercises in nail art. Unfortunately I have very weak nails all my life long, but the last year they didn't grow well and the weakest nails on my thumbs were splitting very bad. :( So... As I was home on xmas I got a piece of advice or more precisily I heard that some girls were totally excited about a nail treatment "8 in 1" by Eveline Cosmetics and how effective it were. The cost of this miracle cure is about 3€ in local stores - dirt-cheap if you compare it with Micro Cell 2000 (about 12€). So I bought this "8 in 1" thing and I am trying to test it already over two weeks. I have an impression my nails are a bit stronger, but they still breake on edges and tend to split on edges as well, if they are longer then 2 mm. Isn't it sad?

It's the magic thing. Accordingly to the package the treatment is made with swiss formula for strengthening nails and should be able to combat 8 diverse nail problems (like splitting a. o.) only in 12 days. You have to apply a coat every day during 3 days, on the fourth day you should take it off and start the cycle again. Well, either my nails are in SOO bad state, or the miracle drug is not that miraculous... Anyway I don't know anyone personally who was positive about Eveline 8 in 1.

So I took also supply for my health: first drops "Immunal" during 10 day and now vitamin C. The drops are a tincture of echinacea to cheer up one's bodies defenses. Can't wait to see my nails strong. :)