Montag, 28. Juli 2014

Klassik Open Air

Hallöchen, ihr lieben!

Gestern war ja Klassik Open Air in Nürnberg angesagt. Und zwar picknickt man bereits seit 15 Jahren an der Meistersingerhalle zu schönen Klängen der Nürnberger Symphoniker. Mit ganz vielen Bekannten und Freunden wollte ich auch hingehen, aber der böse Regen hat uns einen fetten Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. Es donnerte und blitzte und sogar hagelte, und der Regen wollte und wollte nicht aufhören... Einer nach dem anderen haben die Leute abgesagt, was aber auch sehr logisch war.
Der nächste Termin ist am 9. August. Da hoffe ich auf ein anständiges Wetter.

Trotz des Wetters waren meine Nägel perfekt für den Fall gekleidet. Als Inspiration diente das Titelbild für den diesjährigen Event:

Auf den senfgelben Hintergrund fliegen die Noten und Notenschlüssel umher. Da waren einige Platten im Einsatz: MoYou London Roxy collection 02, Sugar Bubbles SB 025, Bundle Monster BM-411.
Der Lorbeerkranz ist von der MoYou Explorer collection 18 (griechische Muster). Der Rest ist per Hand gemalt, mal direkt auf dem Nagel, mal als "decal".

Und das ist die Rechte Hand. Da hatte ich keine Lust mehr auf die Handmalerei mit meinen unsicheren Händen. Und setzte einfach einen Dirigenten dazu.

Nochmal die linke Hand mit dem echten Vogelpin vom Jahr 2013.

Klassik Open Air is a concert by Nürnberger Symphoniker outdoors. The guests can have a picnic and listen to classical music in the sommer evening twice a year. It's completely free! This year is already the 15th year in row.
Unfortunately I didn't go this time (27th of July) because of the havy rain. But the next one is planned on 9th of August. I am praying the weather might be kind with us next time. :)
Still I dressed my nails with the theme of the Klassik Open Air. I used MoYou London Roxy collection 02, Sugar Bubbles SB 025, Bundle Monster BM-411 and MoYou Explorer collection 18 for stamping. The birdie pins were freehanded. And I am holding in the last picture the real pin from the last year.

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

Amur Tiger

Today's challenge is International Tiger Day, which is held on 29th July. Tigers are amazing animals, the biggest cats in the world, but graceful and beautiful.
One very poetic description of a tiger was made by Yann Martin in his bestseller-book "Life of Pi":
He was incredibly muscular, yet his haunches were thin and his glossy coat hung loosely on his frame. His body, bright brownish orange streaked with black vertical stripes, was incomparably beautiful, matched with a tailor's eye for harmony by his pure white chest and underside and the black rings if his long tail. His head was large and round, displaying formidable sideburns, a stylish goatee and some of the finest whiskers of the cat world, thick, long and white. Atop the head were small, expressive ears shaped like perfect arches. His carrot orange face had a broad bridge and a pink nose, and it was made up with brazen flair. Wavy dabs of black circled the face in a pattern that was striking yet subtle, for it brought less attention to itself than it did to the one part of the face left untouched by it, the bridge, whose rufous lustre shone nearly with a radiance. Tha patches of white above the mouth came off as finishing touches worthy of a Kathakali dancer. The result was a face that looked like the wings of a butterfly and bore an expression vaguely old and Chinese.
How can you not admire such creation of Mother Nature? It's impossible.
My mani was inspired by this picture:

It is a siberian or amur tiger.

First I created the snow landscape over catrice Entering Atlantis: I painted with white and turquoise acryl paints fir trees covered with snow. I added also a bit Color Club Angel Kiss for sparkling.

Then the tiger body is gradient with white and orange. The head and body part on the middle finger are Moyou London Suki 01. The head on my thumb is also Moyou Suki, but 09. I did them as decals.

The ring finger is just a normal stamp over gradient. Cheeky CH2 for tiger thigh. And the tail is just freehanded.

After everything was done, I added a snow blizzard, which is surely happens in the cold Siberia. Actually the name of the snowy polish is very sommerlike: Blue Sky (Rival de Loop, Sorbet Nail Collection).

Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014

Kiwi Smoothie

Hello everyone!

I finally tried out the polish I hauled last winter!
It's Dance Legend 949 Kiwi Smoothie from the series Fruity Milk.
This polish is semi-opaque, milky-green with small glitter dots and hexagons in green and gold.
After staying too long on the shelf the glitters went down the bottle. What is more important, this polish dries really slowly. I don't have enough patience to wait... Or am I just hopelessly spoiled with all the super-quick-dry polishes?

Сёння я нарэшце спытала лак для пазногцяў, які я здабыла яшчэ ўзімку, калі была ў Мінску. Гэта лак рускай маркі Dance Legend нумар 949, са смачнай назвай Kiwi Smoothie ("садавінавы кактэйль з ківі"). Назва серыі таксама гучыць салодка: Fruity Milk ("садавінавае малако").
Лак напаўпразрысты, малочна-зялёны, з таксама зялёнымі і залатымі бліскаўкамі, частка з якіх вельмі дробныя, як кропачкі, другая частка - трохі буйнейшыя шасцікутнічкі.
Ад доўгача чакання на паліцы шасцікутнічкі пачалі падаць да дна. Аднак большая праблема - гэта доўгі час на сушэнне лака. Гэты лак сохне вельмі доўга. Мне не хапае цярплівасці на такое чаканне... Можа я дужа спешчаная ўсімі сучаснымі лакамі, якія суперхутка сохнуць?
 Here there are four coats of Kiwi Smoothie. Three coats were still a bit too sheer.

Тут чатыры слаі  Kiwi Smoothie. Праз тры слаі можна было яшчэ трошкі бачыць пазногаць.

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014

Konad special polish


I wanted to use a pink special polish by Konad for the pattern "inspired by phone case", which I didn't use the last 10 months. And it appeared to me being much lighter than I remember this polish. It was too sheer for stamping over any base but white, that's why I didn't use it for a long time. As I opened the bottle, I was surprised:

If you look at the screw thread: there is some dried polish of much more intense colour! I didn't know it can happen to a polish...
How are your experiences with it?

Inspired by phone case

It's time for inspiration by your phone case.  Actually I've got a boring phone case (only one colour and a logo), but I have also another one. Last winter I was in my home town and discovered a really nice shop which is called "Шерстяной шкаф" ("Woolen closet"). You can find it here and on their blog there are many pictures of their products. I couldn't help but buy this pink phone case!
So, and here we are with a pink base (essence 106 free hugs) and added some sponged other pink shade to imitate the colours of the case. Then I stamped with different plates:
Konad m70 - yarn-like pattern;
Cheeky CH2 and CH7 - single flowers;
Bundle Monster BM-313 two little flowers
MoYou Mother Nature 07 - leafs.
I painted the snap freehand...
And added some glitter:

Samstag, 19. Juli 2014


Hey yo!

Today I have got roses!
Purple gradient base over silver and stamping with lovely plate BBF-23.
The polish I used for stamping is maybelline, which I own like ages, and it's not dried.

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014

Minty Holland


today I have got only simple mani with the new Winstonia plates. W218 has very cute tulips and not less cute wind mills, so I couldn't resist and stamped them right away after the world cup. :) By the way Holland is on the third place after all. You can see this mani as a little tribute for it.

Only by chance I learned from a friend, that the mint colour were the trend this season. Essie offers a beautiful gentle mint, but I saw essence 146 that's what I mint! and couldn't tell the difference between shades of the two.
And the finish is made with p2 simply matte top coat from the limited edition RED I love u!

Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014

Finale, oho!

Heute ist es soweit: Deutschland spielt gegen Argentinien um den ersten Platz.
Das muss natürlich auf meinen Nägeln abgebildet werden.
Glücklicherweise kam die Soccer Mania Platte von Winstonia gerade rechtzeitig zum letzten Spiel an.

Sonst wäre es wieder so wie immer: etwas zum aktuellen Anlass bestellen und erst, wenn es vorbei ist, bekommen.
Jetzt müssen wir nur schauen, wer die Bälle ins Netz schießt. 
Endlich habe ich einen Herzaufkleber von essence Go, go, goal!-Stickers verwendet. Und damit es gerecht ist, kriegt Argentinien von mir auch ein Herzchen.

Image I don't like

Today's theme is an image you don't like. Actually you don't buy images you don't like on purpose, right? But there are some plates in the sets (Cheeky, Gals etc), that I wouldn't choose ever. For example this one:

But here we go with the challenge. :)
This is "watercolor" base with different greens:

Then I stamped with even more green color and added a coat with sparkles:

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

Unglaubliche Halbfinale

Gestern konnte ich meinen Ohren nicht glauben, als die Nachbarschaft alle zwei Minuten Tore gefeiert hat... Und sieh da: 7:1 für Deutschland!
So etwas muss einfach zum Ausdruck gebracht werden.
Also, das ist die erste Halbfinale:

Aber die Brasilianer taten mir leid...

Montag, 7. Juli 2014

Sea Salt

BeYu has brought the next "must have" polish - Sea salt nail lacquer.
There are 4 nuances: Oriental Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Acquatic Salt and - that what I got  - Chily Salt.

Basically it's the same sand polish as ever, but it's matte and contains grains of other colour then the base one. So you can imagine to see the sea or mountain salt...
Here we go with two coats of Chily Salt polish.

Actually I thought immediately about see sand on a beach with is "decorated" with small parts of sea shells and tiny colourful stones.

That's why the salt (I mean sand) is accompanied by sea shells, sea water and surf, and ship equipment to complete the sea theme.

Stamping with MoYou Sailor-04, essence and BM-414. Blue waves are essense 146 that's what I mint!, china glaze 1218 Isle See You Later and clear polish.

Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014


Today I do a many for the theme "Lace" (FB group AiS Sunday challenge).
I gathered already some plates by different makers with lace patterns, so it's a good opportunity to try them on.

Base is Yves Rocher polish 64. Menthe, which is actually dark green of the brilliant green kind. Then I stamped with BBF-04 and light green KONAD polish.
On the accent nail I used Dance Legend Kiwi Smoothie, MoYou Bridal-06 and the Menthe as stamping polish.

"It's good to touch a green, green lace of home..."

Freitag, 4. Juli 2014

French Manicure Pens

I found French Manicure Pens by Rival de Loop Young in a local store of Rossmann.
They are available in five colours: white, rose, blue, green and black.
This is a try to make some stripes with the pens. But it turned out not that well...

First of all the liquid is too thick to soak the pen point from inside. Other way from the outside it hardened a way too fast. And the ingredients of the liquid were not very clear. First I thought it would be polish. But it doesn't solve in acetone. Maybe it was kind of acrylic paint.
Or maybe I am just not that skillful with the stuff like nail art pens...